Wellesley College Fun Run

Mini-Marathon Run | Walk

April 4, 2007


Join us as we Celebrate the annual running of the Boston Marathon with the Wellesley College Community in a mini-marathon!

W H O: Teams of Four* or individuals (choose one)

W H A T: 2.6 mile course through campus

W H E N: April 4, 2007

W H E R E: Start and finish on Severance Green

W H Y: Awards for Everyone! Refreshments! Fun and school spirit!

*reduce your team's time by 30 seconds and earn a better finish by recruiting a Wellsley College employee or be on a team (Faculty, Staff, or Union Employee, limit of one employee per team)

Sponsored by the Student Recreation Council and the PERA Department

Contact Martha Dietrick, x2023 mdietrick@wellesley.edu