Swine Flu ( H1N1) Update

More on H1N1 flu

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Attending Classes During Flu Season Memo of 9/17/09

H1N1 (Swine) Influenza Preparedness Memo of 9/16/09

H1N1 (Swine) Influenza Preparedness Memo of 8/31/09

Absenteeism Tracking for Staff and Faculty

Preparedness for Wellesley Faculty

Flu FAQs for Wellesley community

Centers for Disease Control info

Swine Flu Info from U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

Mass. Dept. of Public Health Updates

Wellesley College Health Alerts Archive 2008-2009


What you can do to stay healthy

wash handsWash your hands often with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

• Cough or sneeze into a tissue or into your elbow instead of into your hands

• Try to avoid close contact with sick people

• If you’re sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to avoid infecting them

Seek medical attention if you have or develop sudden onset of symptoms such as:

• Fever (temp >100.5)

• Chills

• Severe body aches

• Runny nose

• Sore throat

Students should contact the Health Service at x2810 for guidance about symptoms. Faculty and staff should contact their individual health care providers.


Key contacts at Wellesley

Health Service: 781-283-2810

Employee Absentee Tracking: 781-283-3474

Police Department:
781-283-2121 (general information)
781-283-5555 (emergency)

For parents and students:
Dean of Students: 781-283-2322

International Student Advisor:

Public Affairs: 781-283-2373

For parents concerned about students studying abroad:
International Studies
: 781-283-2320

To: Members of the Wellesley College Community

From: Wellesley College Pandemic Preparedness Team

Date: September 18, 2009

Re: H1N1 (Swine) Influenza

This memo serves to update the community regarding the guidelines followed by the Wellesley College Health Service and the Pandemic Preparedness Team for presumed H1N1 cases, new procedures for housing students, and vaccinations.

This memo serves to update the community regarding the guidelines followed by the Health Services and the Pandemic Preparedness Team, presumed H1N1 cases, new procedures for housing students, and vaccinations.

The college is following recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), and consulting with the Town of Wellesley Board of Health. There are many media stories regarding different aspects of H1N1; however, the most reliable and valid source for guidance is the CDC, DPH and the Wellesley Board of Health. We will continue to follow that guidance.

Presumed Cases
This week the students who have reported flu-like illness to Health Services continue to have mild symptoms.  Health Service staff continue to follow those who are ill.  We want to remind ill students that if their symptoms worsen, they should immediately phone the Health Service at 781-283-2810.

There are a small number of reports of presumed influenza like illness from employees.

Recommendations for community members at greater risk
The CDC has noted that some conditions place people are at “high risk” of serious flu-related complications, for example pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and kidney disease.  Members of our community with underlying medical illness may want to consult their health care provider to get advice on good practices to follow during this time when there are presumed cases of H1N1 on campus.  One example of such a practice may be social distancing, that is keeping a physical distance from others. 

Based on numbers, housing ill students may soon shift to the following system

  1. Ill students who are able to travel by private car to a home off-campus for the duration of their illness may do so.
  2. An ill student living in a single remains in her room.
  3. An ill student living in a double with a roommate who has not had a presumed case, will be relocated, likely to a space designated for students experiencing H1N1 symptoms.  This applies to triples and suites.
  4. In residence hall locations that do not have private bathrooms, a bathroom will be designated for the ill students.  Ill students using these bathrooms will need to use face masks.  Announcements regarding this will be made in residence halls as appropriate.

Food Distribution
A student who is assisting an ill friend by getting her dining services food must use the disposable containers available in food services.  Traditional plates and cutlery should not be used by ill students.

Ill students who are cohorted (housed with those experiencing the same illness) will have food delivered to them by food services.

Roommate Issues
We understand from public health officials that students who have had presumed H1N1 are not at high risk of getting this strain of H1N1 again.  Thus, if a student who was sick, but has been cleared, subsequently has a roommate with a presumed H1N1 case, she may remain in the room, continuing to follow good health practices.

Seasonal flu vaccine will be made available to members of the community. The currently planned arrival of the vaccine is likely in early October.  Details for distribution will be announced soon. 

Community members with presumed cases of H1N1 who have recovered from their illness are encouraged to get the seasonal flu vaccine.  Current public health official recommendations are that those community members should also prepare to have H1N1 vaccinations.

We are told that vaccine for H1N1 should be available mid-to-late October.  The college will follow the CDC guidelines regarding distribution of this vaccine. 


For Health Alert of 9/17/09, click here.

For Health Alert of 9/16/09, click here.

For Health Alert of 8/31/09, click here.