Production Notes
A love of place unites all who have spent time at Wellesley, whether they favor tromping through the arboretum in L.L. Bean boots or discovering the wonders of hot apple cider for the first time, far from their Southern Hemisphere home. This year we interviewed a random selection of students about Wellesley in the winter and their thoughts as winter brings a new year to campus.
What we found—no surprise—was that every Wellesley woman we spoke to was articulate and clear-eyed in her appreciation of the beauties and rigors of the present as well as the promise and excitement of the future.
We illustrated the video to help highlight the energy and individuality of women at Wellesley. The "squigglevision" style of animation was created frame by frame using a drawing/graphics tablet and After Effects. The video is housed in Vimeo and Youtube (feel free to spread it any way you like). These web pages are built in good old-fashioned html. The carillon tones at the end were recorded on campus in 2011.