Wellesley College Swimming and Diving


The whole team at NEWMACS

Laura: "What time are you going for?"
Hilary: "Whatever time's first."

"But what if your arms are longer than your feet?!"

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." -Emerson

Emilie: "My lungs are too small for my body!"
Hilary: "They must be really small, then."

For The Blue:
For the blue, for the blue, for the blue,
Fight! Fight!
For the white, for the white, for the white,
Fight! Fight!
For the blue,
Fight! Fight!
For the white,
Fight! Fight!
For the blue, fight, white, fight,
Fight! Fight!

One, We're Wellesley College:
One, we're Wellesley College,
Two, a little bit louder,
Three, I still can't hear you,
Four, more, more, more,