Wellesley College TRADITIONS

Sometimes it's hard to remember how much we didn't know as first-years. What is the Seven Sisters meet like, what do I do as a Secret Psycher, who picks the captains, what in the world is Progressive Dinner? Thinking back, everyone else seemed in the swing of things, and we were catching on as we swung along- learning the ropes.

Wellesley's Swimming and Diving program has a long history, and Coach Dix has been leading the Swim and Dive BLUE for more than 20 years, so our list of traditions is copious and rich. Here are a few of our favorites:

"Every year for our [welcoming] of the first years we do a fun event involving an early morning wake up and blindfolds. It is top secret and cannot be disclosed here, but first years can look forward to a suprise!" -Christine Nichols '08 tricaptain

"There are so many great team traditions, it's hard to pick just one, but if I had to, I would say that my favorite tradition is [first-year welcoming] because it really makes the first-years feel like they're a part of the team, it's a lot of fun, and I LOVE [secret]!" - Victoria Nichols '11

"The team who wins Seven Sisters always throws their coach in the pool after the meet is over. Since we have a very good record of winning Seven Sister's, Bonnie has been thrown in year after year. She usually takes casualties (pulls people in with her). The diving coach has somehow avoided this tradition his entire time at Wellesley, and I think we need to put an end to this nonsense next year." - Kate Sorenson, aka Sprout, '09 tricaptain
"Here's something I've enjoyed: This year, towards the end of the season, the captains gave each team member a team photo. On the back, the captains wrote a few words about their experience with you--what you did to inspire them, and what they've enjoyed about you. I really appreciated this gesture, especially because I now have a printed copy of a team photo! (All of the rest are on facebook...)" - Tara Siegel '10
"During wintersession swimmers tend to eat. A LOT. Progressive dinner is a natural solution to this never satiated hunger. First years only have to show up and be waited on, sophomores prepare hors d'oeuvres, juniors make dessert, and seniors cook dinner for the whole team. Each portion of the meal is held in a different dorm, with dessert always proving to be the highlight." -Christine Nichols '08 tricaptain
"I love that everyone on this team loves the sport and loves being together. I love that we eat dinner together and can end up chatting about nothing, and everything, for hours." -Dana Dutton '11
"I love our nightly team dinners, because I feel like I get to know all of my teammates better outside of the pool. I get to see 2 sides of them, both as as strong competitors and as awesome people." - Alex Stark '10
"As far as the training trips, I think we should make it a tradition to go on some sort of fun, non-practice-related expedition, like that kayak trip the last day...that was awesome :)" - Ginger Howell '08
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"The captains this year did a great job integrating the first years into the team at the beginning of the season (well, the whole year, but the beginning especially) . The outing to go applepicking was amazing and I think it was a great way to appreciate Fall in New England." - Dana Dutton '11
"I have to say, I really like the tradition of psyching people. It gives you an excuse to be creative, and do things that might normally get you in a little bit of trouble. Like climbing up into the ceiling. But if you're doing it for the team, it's all good!" - Ginger Howell '08, circus-artist extraordinaire and winner of the "OH, Ginger!" paper-plate award for creative craziness and psyching excellence
"I absolutely love the Wellesley cheers that we learned for swim meets. While doing generic cheers are fun, it made it even more special knowing that Wellesley swimmers had passed the "For the Blue" and the circle cheer down from year to year. It really made me feel connected to the team. I hope some of the new cheers that we learned this year will become Wellesley swim traditions for future swimmers." - Debbie Dunsmore '11
"My favorite tradition of the season is the Seven Sisters meet. All of the teams involved are super supportive and the competition is great. I think the meet takes place at a great part of the season too because everyone is really enthusiastic about being part of the team!" - Alex Cahill '11
"The senior posters are cool" - Ginger Howell '08

"My favorite swimming tradition is senior windows. It's a great experience for the underclassmen - they come together to show their appreciation for their seniors and decorate the locker room hall; and it shows the seniors how much they are appreciated. And it's just plain fun!" - Catie Foley '08 tricaptain

"One of my favorite traditions is cheering. Before every meet, we cheer as a team to help each other get FIRED UP! It's a great way for us to bond, release some energy and get excited!!" - Cathy Poon '11
"Each year during seven sisters the team holds a "White Elephant" gift swap. Crazy gifts (including a muscle mag, a 40 lb. weight, adult diapers, and a giant jug of epsom salts) are wrapped and exchanged. The higher the number drawn the better, since you can either keep the gift you unwrapped or steal someone else's. Often the same gift makes it into the pile year after year, like a particular set of curtains or Shakira barbie doll!" -Christine Nichols '08 tricaptain