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Rec Aerobics

Where are the classes held?
The classes are held in room studio rooms 201 or 202 of the Sports Center.

Do I have to have prior experience?
No, all skill levels are welcome!

Who are the instructors in Rec Aerobics?
The majority of classes are student led. There are two classes per week that are taught by non-students. This is so that classes may be taught year round.

What types of classes are offered?
There are a variety of classes including cardio kickboxing, yoga, tai chi, and rebounding.

Do I have to enroll or sign up to take the classes?
No, the classes are open to everyone. Just show up at one of the offered classes.

How often are classes held?
There are 6 classes/week that meet at convenient times for students and employees. Click back to the top to see the monthly schedules.

How do I become an instructor?
A certification program is offered annually. Once certified, students audition and may join the staff. These are paid positions.

Please direct all questions regarding this website to
Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics (PERA)
Last Modified: October 13, 2004