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Letter of Welcome

September 2006
Dear Wellesley College Community and Alumnae,

Our doors are open to welcome you as a new year begins! We invite you to join us and choose from the many recreational activities available. Our outstanding wellness and recreational offerings are designed to meet the needs of your busy academic and professional schedules.

The College encourages you to reach your personal wellness and fitness goals by offering membership priveleges for employees and alumnae at very reasonable levels. The fees include use of all fitness center facilites at designated imes, equipment check-out priveleges and availability of towels, showers and sauna.

On the following pages you will find information on facilities, parking, membership fees and the facility schedule for the academic year. Please stop by and see all the Keohane Sports Center has to offer.

We welcome you as a new or returning member and look forward to your active participation this year!

Bridget Belgiovine
Dept. Chair/ Director of Athletics


Parking Policies

Only employees and alumnae with vehicle stickers for the Trade Shop Lot may park there. If you do not have the parking sticker appropriate for this parking area and you park there, you risk receiving a ticket from Campus Police. Membership in the Keohane Sports Center does not include any parking privileges.

Limited visitor parking is available in the parking garage. Faculty and staff with appropriate stickers may also use designated areas of the garage. Cars blocking fire lanes will be towed immediately.


Applications for memberships and locker assignments for faculty, staff, and alumnae will only be accepted Tuesday-Friday, from 8 AM-12 PM and 4:30-8:30 PM, beginning September 14, 2004.


  • Employee: $90 per year / $60 per half year
  • Employee's Spouse/Partner*: (when employee joins as well) $50 / $30
  • Employee's Family: $180 / $100
  • Alumnae: $200 / $115
  • Alumnae's Spouse/Partner*: (when alumnae joins as well) $135/ $80
  • Alumnae's Family: $400 / $230
  • Young Alumnae ('99-'03): $100 / $60
  • Locker Rental: $ 25 / year
  • Employee or Alumnae day use: $ 5 / day
  • Guest accompanied by Employee or Alumnae: $ 5 / visit

* Employee or Alum must join


Please direct all questions regarding this website to
Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics (PERA)
Last Modified: February 5, 2007